Inspired by the Ace Attorney series with a few fresh takes and delicious murder mysteries

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Location: Home

Date Played: March 2024

Duration: 20 hours

Price: ~S$14.50 on Steam


Murders on the Yangtze River takes you on a journey through early 20th century China as you solve a series of intriguing cases along the Yangtze River. With its stunning brush painting art style and engaging storyline, it offers a unique gaming experience that will keep you on the edge of your seat.



The gameplay is similar to the Ace Attorney series. You'll have to uncover clues and gather information before the trial starts. Occasionally, there will be a puzzle or mini-game for you to complete. They're generally simple to play.

During the trial, you'll have to use your logical reasoning and deduction skills to piece the evidence together, identify contradictions and solve the mysteries.


Delightful mysteries: I thoroughly enjoyed how intricate and complex the mysteries were. I had numerous "a-ha!" moments when I realised how things fell into place. The mysteries gave me the same sense of discovery and satisfaction as the ace attorney series.

Straight to the point: One aspect I preferred over the ace attorney series was how quick the game jumped from cases to cases, all the while giving the same sense of buildup.

Multiple cases: I played the game for over 20 hours with 6 cases to solve. At a price point of only $14.50, this game is a steal.

"Over the top": While the mysteries were enjoyable to solve, some of them felt a tad convoluted and unrealistic.


Murders on the Yangtze River is a fantastic addition to the digital murder mystery games. It's a must play for fans of the ace attorney series and I look forward to seeing a sequel from them!

Rating: 5/5


You can buy their game here